Today Thursday January 9, 2020 is the second observance of Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Day which was launched last year in both Jamaica and Japan.

Jamaica’s coffee industry is one of the country’s most important sub-sectors, touching the lives of 102,000 farm families and generating approximately US$25 million annually. 85 per cent of production is generated by small farmers, with the Japanese market, currently, absorbing 70 per cent of Jamaica’s Blue Mountain coffee exports. The USA imports 20 percent and Europe and the rest of the world 10 percent.

The designation of 9th January as Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Day is seen as a pivotal moment in the history of and partnership between the Association of Japanese Importers of Jamaican Coffee (AJIJC) and the JCEA, and by extension Jamaica-Japan relations, in ensuring that Jamaica’s Blue Mountain Coffee continues to gain prominence in the Japanese market and household.

Planned activities for Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Day January 9, 2020

The Jamaica Coffee Exporters Association (JCEA) in partnership with Jamaica Promotion Agency (Jampro ) and Jamaica Agricultural Commodities Regulatory Authority (JACRA) will endorse and support activities on Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Day on January 9, 2020 which will include the launch of the Coffee Festival by the Tourism Linkage, The promotion of 100 percent Jamaica Blue Mountain in Hotels , Coffee shops across Jamaica as well as coffee tastings that both international airports by JACRA and JCEA membership. JAMPRO has created a list of influencers that will receive gift package/s filled with JBM Coffee based products and the influencers will engage in a major social media marketing for the day directed and managed by Jampro. The Jamaica Coffee Exporters Association will also published a supplement in the Jamaica Observer for January 9, 2020.